If you’ve applied for a postal vote your postal voting pack will be arriving soon. And by that I mean that it could actually be arriving today.
When you receive it, check the contents. You should have:
- instructions telling you how to cast your vote
- a postal vote statement
- two envelopes
- ballot paper(s) for the elections you can vote in
Complete the postal vote statement and ballot paper(s). Make sure to read the instructions first because if you get this wrong you’ll have spoiled your vote and it won’t count. Don’t forget to vote for Dave Morgan.
Put your ballot paper(s) in the smaller envelope and then put your postal vote statement and the smaller envelope containing your ballot paper(s) in the bigger envelope. Seal it all up and pop it in the postbox.
Your postal vote needs to arrive by 10pm on polling day (4th May 2023) to be counted. If you’re not going to be able to hit that deadline you can take it your polling station on polling day instead.